How fast does frontal lobe dementia progress? - frontal lobe dementia
My mother was diagnosed with dementia Fronatlemporal of 60 years. She is now 65 and more intrusive to persons and a child. It has to do with problems of collecting words and their turnover, etc. is still ambulatory, but laundry and dry cleaning necessary qualifications have diminshed housing. We do not know whether we should go the way of the nursing home. What should we expect in the way? Is he stupid or incontinence. It's such a rare disease. I've forgotten what it was before the illness. I thank you all for coming.
1 comment:
There are some very good sites on the dementia of the frontal lobe of the NIH (National Institutes of Health) is a good resource is the Alzheimer's Assoc. My wife and brother-in-law both have the same disease, now in its 6th and 4 Year. Both are quiet and stopped 2 1 / 2 years after diagnosis, and both are now incontinent. This is the typical FLD. Usually the disease lasts an average of 6 years, but from 4-12 years. It seems as if the disease is very slow to his mother. Some things to a nursing home. We visited more than 20 houses before finding a place for my wife. Make sure that they have anxiety, Alzheimer's, and visit at different times of the day, before making a decision .... Residents for their active participation in group activities, health care, should the facility should be available by urine odors and AIDS available to help with food for free ... not my wife or brother can not eat. Of course you need a nursing home one day, maybe not. Familiar with estate planning, his lawyers that help you a property orCounsel for the elderly. You will be able to assist with the decisions on Medicaid, etc. .... You need to do now, if you do not, it will be in a position to sign his name or identify the roles, do not wait too late to make the dough, Medicaid, lust, power and medical power of attorney paperwork .
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